Governor Shaktikanta Das takes first step to douse anger on RBI promotion rule

Reserve Bank of India governor Shaktikanta Das is personally looking into the contentious new promotion policy of the central bank, paying
heed to popular demand. This is in sync with his commitment to be "acconmodative"
The new policy, which is more stringent and put the bottom 25% of RBI officers in terms of performance "non-promotable", created a stir in
the bank with both junior and senior officers protesting against it. Earlier, only the bottom 10% in the performance Bell Curve was not
considered for promotion
every department organized a signature campaign wanting the governor to look into the issue, people familiar with the matter said. The
circular on the new promotion policy issued last week was supposedly to reward merit and good performance
Deputy governor Viral Acharya has been in charge of the human resource development. Sources in RBI said that Governor Das held a closed-door
meeting with representatives of officers union on Thursday following the signature campaign where deputy governor Acharya or any other
senior official was not present. The central bank did not respond to a mail seeking update on the issue
ET was the first to report that officers expressed their unhappiness over the circular on Tuesday. The Bell Curve was introduced in RBI by
former governor Raghuram Rajan
There was huge resentment across all levels against the Bell Curve system as many times in the past, deserving candidates could not be
adequately rewarded for three consecutive years as they were forced out to fit others in the Bell Curve. Such officers lost another two
years as cooling-off period in promotion
it was notified on Friday (LAST FRI)