Using Mandarin, China Firms Break Lanka Law At Project Sites, Face Action

Authorities believe that complete ignorance of official Sri Lankan languages
Chinese project sites in South-Asian island nation were found to have been using Mandarin and English language for sign boards and ignoring
official languages -- Sinhala and Tamil.The Minister of National Integration, Official Languages, Social Progress and Hindu Religious
Affairs tweeted that action has been initiated against such sites."We can't tolerate violations of local language laws at Chinese sites in
Sri Lanka
We wish to provide assistance, if any required plan to engage with all including #Chinese embassy," Mano Ganesan tweeted.Mano Ganesan
initiated action against use of Mandarin language after receiving complaints."Chinese in Sri Lanka should respect local laws
We are receiving complains on sign boards at Chinese projects using Mandarin English scripts only ignoring both or one of official
languages, IE., Sinhala Tamil," he wrote.Sri Lankan authorities believe that complete ignorance of official Sri Lankan languages on Chinese
project sites is an onslaught on culture that binds island country together.China had helped Lankans by providing loans and financial
assistance for building of Hambantota Port