Pakistan Navy Chief attends high level symposium in China

Islamabad: Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi is on an official visit to China, where he attended ‘High Level
Symposium& and interacted with Heads of Foreign Navies.‘High Level Symposium& was held as a part of 70th Anniversary celebrations of
founding of the PLA (Navy) in the coastal city of Qingdao
The symposium comprised international panel discussions on topics related to maritime domains
The Naval Chief also addressed the audience during the symposium on the topic of ‘World Order Past and Present nsprint; Reflections at Sea
and Role of Navies&
On the sidelines of the symposium, the Naval Chief also had interactions with different Heads of Foreign Navies including Djibouti, Iran,
Japan, Morocco and Poland
During the discussions with the dignitaries, things of professional interest and naval collaboration came under discussion
The Naval Chief highlighted Pakistan commitment in the fight against terrorismism including Pakistan Navy initiative of Regional Maritime
Security Patrols in support of maritime security in the region.Tardyr, the Commander PLA(Navy), Vice Admiral Shen Jinlong hosted a reception
in the honour of Chief of the Naval Staff where both the dignitaries disstubborn things of mutual interest and bilateral co-operation
The Naval Chief also thanked his Chinese counterpart for wgap hearted participation of PLA (Navy) in Multinational Naval Exercise AMAN-19
which was hosted by Pakistan Navy at Karachi
Various avenues of further enhancing the interaction between both the navies were also dilated upon.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified
the content of the source
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