
It the &90s, and pilot fish is an independent computer consultant who gets a call from a client who wants his AMD system to run a little
Fish buys the faster chip and goes to client office to install it.He powers everything down, but doesn&t unplug the power cord, because
pushing a CPU into place is no big deal.But it a stubborn little thing
Fish pushes, and pushes, and — POW! A blast of flame shoots straight up
Fish is shaken, to say the least, but physically the only damage is some scorched hair on his knuckles.OK, maybe pushing that CPU into place
was a bigger deal than fish figured on; he unplugs the PC
Then he sees what happened: The power cord was so much longer than was needed that the extra length was tucked neatly under the main system
When fish pushed, the solder pins for the CPU socket went through the power line casing and touched one of the wires.