Announcing TechCrunch’s new commenting system

At the heart of TechCrunch is our community
We want to feel like a home base for founders, investors and anyone who comes to us for breaking news and analysis of major
tech giants and startups
That includes engaging with our community
We&re excited to introduce TechCrunch readers to our new commenting system, which is powered by Spot.IM. Some new features you can tap
into: Real-time comments
You&ll be able to see when someone in the process of responding to you or typing a new comment. GIFs! Drop GIFs and images into the comment
box. Top commenters. Text styling. Notifications when another user likes or replies to your comment. Community questions
This feature lets our writers pose questions to you directly on an article
Chime in with your ideas! As always, bullying has no place on TechCrunch. This includes but is not limited to harassment based
on: Race Ethnicity Gender Gender identity and expression Sexual orientation Disability Physical appearance Body size Age Religion If you
breach these guidelines, you&ll be banned for life
Use your best judgment and don&t be a jerk. Publishers must be bold in adopting user-centric models to win the web war for attention
Spot.IM founder and CEO Nadav Shoval joined TechCrunch Travis Bernard for a discussion on why publishers must be community-centric.