Intel is adopting one of AMD and Nvidia's most useful features in its latest graphics software

Intel released its Graphics Command Center way back in March 2019, but it obviously wasn't finished
Instead, Intel has updated it with one of the most useful features that both Nvidia GeForce Experience and AMD Adrenalin offer: gameplay
Twitter post, bringing its gaming-focused UI more in line with what's offered by competitors AMD and Nvidia, notably before Intel Xe
credit: Intel)While it doesn't look quite as robust as what you can do with Nvidia Shadowplay, which allows you to assign a hotkey through
GeForce Experience to record the last 15 minutes or so of gameplay, it will at least allow you to actually record gameplay
Intel Xe graphics cards eventually make it to market
That will likely be a while, since the Intel Xe DG1 GPU we played with at CES 2020 is still in its early stages, and will likely not be in
more software features like this make their way into its software
Who knows, maybe by the time we actually get our hands on an Intel Xe graphics card, Intel Graphics Command Center will be as fully featured