The Dispatch, a news organization built on Substack, passes $1M in annual revenue

Dispatch set out to test when it launched last October, and the early results are promising
and try to approach important news in a fresh way.In order to do that, Hayes said that building a subscription business with
that strategy, The Dispatch has gradually been rolling out its membership program and paywall
At launch, it offered a lifetime membership ($1,500), then added an annual membership ($100) when it launched its full site in January, and
You need to be serving some of your best, most substantive work in front of the paywall, so that you get people into the top of the
will offer short-form audio news stories.The startup has also raised $6 million in funding from individual investors (none of it comes from
venture capital firms).Hayes acknowledged that one of the constant questions he had to answer during the fundraising process was whether he
many ways the flagship among full-fledged news organizations built on Substack, but the list of publications now includes Asia Sentinel,