Spectro Cloud launches with $7.5M investment to help developers build Kubernetes clusters their way

By now we know that Kubernetes is a wildly popular container management platform, but if you want to use it, you pretty much have to choose
between having someone manage it for you or building it yourself
Spectro Cloud emerged from stealth today with a $7.5 million investment to give you a third choice that falls somewhere in the middle.The
funding was led by Sierra Ventures with participation from Boldstart Ventures.Ed Sim, founder at Boldstart, says he liked the team and the
should not have to compromise between control and ease of use
of the base operating system to the Kubernetes version to the storage, networking and other layers like security, logging, monitoring, load
flexibility and the ability to move between cloud infrastructure providers more easily, something that is top of mind today as companies
these needs
background in this, having previously been part of CliQr, a company that helped customers manage applications across hybrid cloud
with 16 beta customers.