CrowdStrike's new CTO claims the coronavirus era is 'company customarily'

time for the maker and seller of subscription-based endpoint security software that protects against breaches and cyberattacks
It was one of the biggest offerings of the year, reaching more than $11 billion in value by the end, a far cry from a decade earlier when
the security giant started out as a few notes scribbled on a napkin in a hotel lobby.And then the pandemic happened.By the time of his
appointment, Sentonas was preparing to move to the U.S
were appointed chief technology officer at CrowdStrike
Prior to that you were vice president of tech strategy
How have things been since the promotion?Michael Sentonas: In some respects, things have been business as usual
Obviously, when one of the co-founders moves on, they have big shoes to fill
The last statistic that I looked at a few weeks ago was that 70% of our staff logins are remote