Tata Steel Workers At Dutch Plant Vote To Strike

Workers vote to strike in Tata Steel's Netherlands plantEmployees at Tata Steel's Dutch plant in Ijmuiden on Thursday voted to go on strike
over planned job cuts and the plant's further integration with Tata's British operations, labour union FNV said.Workers at the Dutch
subsidiary have been unhappy since the sudden departure last month of their CEO, Theo Henrar, who was viewed as an ally in their battle
against Tata's plans to cut about 1,000 jobs in the Netherlands
Tata Europe has said it does not plan forced redundancies until at least October next yearBut unions have demanded the company drops the
plan to cut jobs in Ijmuiden, along with plans to integrate the Dutch and British activities
About 2,000 union members had gathered in the nearby town of Beverwijk on Thursday to discuss strike action, meeting at a parking lot large
enough for them to comply with Dutch social distancing rules to contain the coronavirus outbreak."We are done negotiating," FNV spokesman
Roel Berghuis told Reuters."The gap between what we ask and what Tata offers is too big."Berghuis said that strikes could start as soon as
from a syndicated feed.)