"What's This Sorcery" This Optical Illusion Is Blowing People's Mind

What do you think of the Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion
You have to see this one to believe it - or not believe it
This optical illusion, that has gone viral on social media, is making people all over the world scratch their heads
And all it uses is a 3D object and a mirror
So go ahead and take a look:Mind = Blown
RightThe Ambiguous Object Illusion or the Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion was designed by Kokichi Sugihara of Meiji University in Japan
The Japanese mathematician and artist is known for his three-dimensional optical illusions
In 2016, the Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion won second place at the Best Illusion of the Year Contest.The striking optical illusion which
appears to show squares turning into circles came back to the limelight when it was shared on Instagram two days ago by an account named
'physics fun'
workAccording to Science Alert, this illusion works because the squares in the object are not true squares, but more of a combination of a
square and a circle."From certain angles, those squares look pretty even, but if you pick one up and turn it around, you'll see that two of
the sides curve upwards, and two of the sides curve down."This sort of 'corrects' the hybrid squircle into either a square or a circle, by
compensating in opposite directions," says the explainer video on YouTube by the 'Make Anything' channel.What do you think of the Ambiguous