SBI Announces Recruitment Of More Than 2000 PO; Know How To Apply

recruitment for more than 2000 probationary officers
The SBI PO application process begins today on the official website
The bank has also released the detailed advertisement on the official website
Candidates can check the detailed advertisement for eligibility criteria, age limit, exam pattern etc
Candidates must read the advertisement carefully in order to avoid any mistake in the application process
The SBI PO application process will end on May 13, 2018 and candidates willing to apply are advised to complete the process before the last
link.Step four: You will first need to register for the exam by providing some basic information like your name, mobile number and email
Enter all the required information and upload your signature and photograph.Step seven: Verify all the details filled
After successful payment of application fee an e-receipt will be generated
and OBC candidates is Rs
600 and for all other categories is Rs