US Sends First Shipment Of Crude To Saudi Arabia In Over A Decade

Data shows the last export to Saudi Arabia was in 2002The United States sent a shipment of crude to Saudi Arabia in June, data from the
1,000-barrel shipment to Saudi Arabia in 2002
That was during the four-decade ban on exports.The size of June's cargo is less than what would be shipped even in the smallest class of
crude tankers known as Aframax vessels
Traders said it is possible the cargo was part of another shipment headed to a different country
There are no records of a crude shipment to Saudi Arabia from the United States in Refinitiv Eikon vessel tracking data.Saudi Arabia is one
of the biggest suppliers of crude to the United States
It sent about 1.2 million barrels per day of crude in May, the most in three years, the result of a short-lived oil price war between Saudi
Arabia and Russia that erupted just as the coronavirus pandemic was worsening worldwide.That created a major supply glut, which the
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, led by Saudi Arabia, and allies agreed to deal with by cutting output by 9.7 million bpd
OPEC oil output rose by more than 1 million bpd in July as Saudi Arabia and other Gulf members ended voluntary additional supply curbs on
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