Union Minister Predicts Charles Darwin Will Be Proven Wrong In 20 Years

As a science student, he said, he believes that his "ancestors were not apes".The junior minister in the human resource ministry criticised
those who attacked him over his comments and said "it's not scientific temper to condemn the point of view of another person"."I am a
science student and I have completed my PhD in Chemistry
Who all were the ones speaking against me And, how many people stood by me We should be compelled to think
We get scared of the press
If not today, tomorrow
If not tomorrow, then in 10-20 years, people will accept what I said
At least, I believe that my accentors were not apes," Satyapal Singh said at a book launch."It's not scientific temper to condemn the point
of another person
Give it a thought," the minister added.Mr Singh had a few months ago said Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was wrong and the changes
need to reflect in school and college curriculum, drawing ridicule.The former Mumbai police commissioner said he was "proud to be an
educated politician" and it was the "good fortune" of the country that a "nationalist government with a nationalist mindset" is in power.He
We will not take help from any Westerner
We will give validations and documentary evidence, and we will prove what we are saying is right
Did any of our sages ask any professor from England to validate his point" the minister said.