Ad trackers aren't just a privacy threat & they can double page load times

online privacy company Ghostery.Researchers used a custom-built web crawler to analyze the top 500 websites in the US (as determined by
Tillman, GhosteryWithout trackers blocked, just 17% of pages loaded within five seconds
Over 60% took longer than 10 seconds, and nearly 5% took over a minute
When trackers were blocked, the average page load time dropped by over half
around trackers, which were present in 90% of the web pages crawled
They work by gathering snippets of information about you that might not be worth much on their own, but combine to create a detailed picture
product at Ghostery, tells TheIndianSubcontinent
possibly using a VPN to hide your location, providing an extra layer of anonymity.He also suggests using a third-party web browser with
tracker filter
also added an ad-blocker that works in a similar way.Some of the bigger browser developers, including Google, are taking steps to minimize
the impact of ads on everyday browsing, but their built-in tools are only designed to block the most egregious of advertisers.Ghostery's
take matters into your own hands to avoid it
After all, your time is money.