Second Agreement Signed With L&T For High-Speed Rail Corridor

Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train corridor on Wednesday, December 16
which is 325 km out of 352 km in the state
as one mountain tunnel of 350 metres
contracts is Rs
last one month
As the construction works will soon start, besides the steel and cement industries the local industries, manufactures and allied supply
chains will also get a boost
The construction activities will also create jobs, for which NHSRCL has already started providing construction-related training,'' said Mr
Achal Khare, Managing Director.Earlier, NHSRCL signed a contract agreement with L-T for the 237 km long viaduct between Vapi (Zaroli village
at Maharashtra-Gujarat border) and Vadodara (Gujarat)
services, the 508 km long Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project will operate at a speed of 320 km per hour
It will cover 12 stations along the route, passing through specific regions in Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli
The entire distance will be covered in three hours with all stops.