Modi swears to pursue reforms after lethal farmer riot

NEW DELHI: India will press on with sweeping agriculture reforms, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated Sunday, as he criticised recently's
deadly riot in the capital following a long-running protest project by farmers.Thousands flooded New Delhi on Tuesday, driving tractors from
border camps where they have actually been holding sit-ins given that November 26; but the rally developed into a rampage which left a
single person dead and numerous police hurt
Modi called the farmers' assault on a historical fort an insult to the nationwide flag.His federal government have actually insisted that
the farming sector needs to be modernised, however farmers fear the deregulation laws will place them at the grace of big corporations that
currently dominate other industries.In his very first public discuss Tuesday's events, Modi stressed that the federal government remained
committed to modernising agriculture
The efforts of the government will likewise continue in the future, the Indian leader stated in his routine monthly radio address on Sunday
On January 26, seeing the insult of our tricolour, the country was really sad, he added.The demonstrators swarmed the 400-year-old World
Heritage-listed Red Fort on Tuesday, raising spiritual and farm union flags, though they did not get rid of the nationwide flag from the top
of the monument.Modi's comments came as cops apprehended at least one reporter and filed grievances against others, stiring worries of a
media crackdown over the reporting of the protests.Mandeep Punia, who writes for the English-language Caravan magazine, was apprehended on
Saturday at Singhu, among the primary demonstration sites
He was photographed being taken to court on Sunday, where he is anticipated to be charged on unidentified offenses, local media
reported.Since Tuesday, a minimum of five complaints have been registered against Indian reporters and an opposition Congress member of
parliament on a number of accusations, consisting of sedition and criminal conspiracy.Global media guard dog the Committee to Secure
Journalists called for Punia and another reporter who was apparently also detained to be launched right away
Indian authorities need to permit journalists to do their work without disturbance, the CPJ tweeted late Saturday
On Saturday, authorities tightened security around the camps after cutting web connections in the cities, as thousands more farmers came to
the sites to join the protests.Farming has long been a political minefield, with almost 70 percent of the 1.3-billion-strong population
drawing their income from agriculture.