ICCIMA to host ECO CCI general assembly meeting

determine a new roadmap for the activities of the mentioned committee, the ICCIMA portal reported.Last week, the board members of the
the ICCIMA.Based on the decision made by the Iranian committee, the 30th meeting of the ECO CCI executive committee will also be held in
Tehran on the same date.They also picked Sama Farkhondeh Nejad as the new ECO CCI director general who replaced Mohammad Reza Karbasi.The
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and the Republic of Turkey established the ECO CCI in 1990 in accordance with Article 30 of the Treaty of
Izmir, (1977).This was preceded by the signing of the statute of the ECO CCI by the Heads of the National Chambers of the founding members
in 1989 in Istanbul.Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are other member countries of