UN human rights experts condemn repeated use of emergency measures in Sri Lanka

UN human rights experts on Monday (Aug 08) condemned the extensive, prolonged and repeated use of state of emergency measures since April
02, 2022 by Sri Lankan authorities to crackdown on peaceful protesters and prevent them from voicing their grievances amidst an economic
collapse in the country.The experts are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council.Special Procedures, the
fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world.In their
the capital Colombo and across the island nation
His successor President Ranil Wickremesinghe declared another state of emergency on 17 July 2022, vowing to take a tough line against
The Sri Lankan Parliament has since ratified an ordinance on 27 July 2022 extending the current state of emergency for another month,
imposing a curfew, and granting broad and discretionary powers to security forces and the military
Such powers allow them to detain protesters and search private properties without judicial supervision.The experts said they have raised
their concerns to the Sri Lankan government on a number of occasions over the misuse of emergency measures, but to no avail
human rights experts over many years, the experts raised particular concern about the impact of such powers on the exercise of a range of
human rights, and reports of the targeting of vulnerable and minority groups under this state of emergency.They also highlighted that the
joined protests in Colombo and across the country to express their discontent with the Government over its handling of the grave economic
crisis Sri Lanka is facing
The mass protests garnered momentum, in response to the deepening economic crisis, allegations of corruption, rising inflation, shortages of
unprecedented economic crisis in which families sometimes have to choose between food and medicine, these repressive measures further close
security forces have used the extensive powers granted to them by the emergency measures to violently repress the protest movement,
including through the use of live ammunition, teargas and water cannons
tearing down tents, injuring over 50 and arresting dozens, including several journalists and lawyers
In recent weeks, Police have made a spate of arrests that appear to target individuals involved in organising the demonstrations and raided
assemble must be applied only in exceptional circumstances and strictly according to the law
National security cannot be used as a pretext to shut down expressions of dissent, and detention purely due to peaceful exercise of rights
is arbitrary
We wish to recall that protesters, including civil society representatives, journalists and human rights defenders, should be protected in
government to halt its repeated use of emergency measures and instead seek an open and genuine dialogue with Sri Lankans on political and
economic reforms to reduce the impact of the economic crisis.
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://adaderana.lk