Russia Stages Scaled-down War Games With China, India

six-month campaign to capture territory in Ukraine.The 50,000 troops announced for the Vostok-2022 (East-2022) military exercises compare
140 warplanes and 5,000 pieces of military equipment, a fraction of the 1,000 military aircraft and 36,000 equipment involved in
as well as Federal Security Service (FSB), Federal Guard Service (FSO) and interior and emergencies ministry representatives across nine
firing ranges in Far East Russia.A total of 6,000 foreign troops from member states and partners of the China-led Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) and the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) of ex-Soviet republics, it added.India is sending a
75-member detachment for the drills, including Gurkha troops and navy and air force representatives, according to Bloomberg.China is
deploying army, air and naval forces at Vostok-2022, which state-backed media say will focus on U.S
threats in the Pacific
Russia's Defense Ministry says the two countries' navies will "assist ground troops" in the coastal area of northern and central parts of
the Sea of Japan, and "defend maritime communications and areas of maritime economic activity."Beijing and New Delhi have refused to