Knowledge-based firms to meet nuclear industry needs

held on September 21 with the support of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology and the Radiation Application Development
Company.Investment opportunities in various fields of "Agriculture", "Medicine and Health", "Industry", "Environment", "Security", "Oil,
field and the radiation application industry", "Identification of obstacles and follow-up on solving the current challenges facing the
industries", "Using networking to solve the challenges by relying on the power of knowledge-based companies", "Identification and
documentation of facilitation tools in the coordination of large industries and knowledge-based companies, including legal advice,
valuation, capital provision, etc
in the field of nuclear technology and radiation application" are the goals of this program.Knowledge-based companiesLeader of the Islamic
Leader has called on all Iranians, including citizens and government officials, to work hard to boost knowledge-based production and create
new jobs.So, over 7,000 knowledge-based and 1,600 creative companies have so far been registered and started operations.The fields of
biotechnology, agriculture, food industries, chemical technologies aircraft maintenance, steel, gas, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and
medicine, oil, electronics and telecommunications, information technology, and computer software are among the sectors that researchers in
technology companies have engaged in.Today, the country's knowledge-based ecosystem accounts for more than 3 percent of GDP
And the figure is projected to reach 5 percent, however, the main goal is to step toward a 10 percent share in GDP, Vice President for
Science and Technology, Sourena Sattari told Fars on February 13.The share of knowledge-based companies in the country's economy has
exceeded 9 quadrillion rials (about $34 billion), and since 2019, it has experienced a growth of more than 450 percent, he stated.FB/MG