Iran foreign ministry to hold specialized forum on General Soleimani

with the presence of guests and attendees from different Iranian institutions and bodies, according to the Public Relations of the Iranian
Asia region will be discussed from different perspectives including its field, legal and international aspects.Iran is preparing for
commemorating the third martyrdom anniversary of General Qassem Soleimani who was assassinated by the United States at the Baghdad airport
General Qassem Soleimani, has said that Iran will hold a national commemorative ceremony on the occasion of the third anniversary of the
assassination of the commander of the IRGC Quds Force.The ceremony will be held at the Grand Mosalla Mosque of Tehran on January 3.Speaking
at a press conference on Sunday, Moqadamfar said the ceremony will include various programs including grassroots campaigns aimed at
He is a national hero and a hero of the Islamic Ummah and will remain a hero