Egg manufacturers association claims ministers involved in egg mafia

The All Ceylon Egg Producers Association declares that specific ministers also support a mafia of selling eggs at higher rates in the
market.Secretary of the Association H.M.B.R
Alahakoon stated that there is a racket of purchasing the eggs saved in cold spaces at a lower cost and reselling them at higher rates.Mr
Alahakoon, who even more implicated that some political leaders likewise help in these rackets, likewise charged that the intermediate egg
trading associations are accountable for this problem
Those who stated they might sell eggs at the gazetted price of Rs
43 then, are now discussing offering it at Rs.65 or Rs.60
During the discussion accepted Minister Mahinda Amaraweera, the Minister asked to create a procedure that the eggs are straight offered to
the customer, he stated, including that they dispersed 400,000 eggs in Colombo city accordingly
They are attempting to reveal that this procedure is a failure
Do the Minister of Trade and some associations who speak for the customer also speak up for the egg traders? , Mr
Alahakoon questioned.He likewise declared that the President of among the egg producers associations is the brother-in-law of the Minister
of Trade
So, the Trade Minister can say that this work is incorrect and to stop it
There is no point in criticizing us
There is a mafia in this that takes eggs at a low cost, freezes them in the cool room and sells them again at a greater price
Some ministers are helping that