Hir glass-bottomed bridge, a successful tourist financial investment, governor-general says

TEHRAN-- The suspension bridge of Hir in the northwestern Ardabil province is an effective example of financial investment in the field of
tourism, the provinces governor-general has said.The curved glass-bottomed bridge, which is considered a benefit of Ardabil tourist, has
caused reverse migration in the area along with tourist success, CHTN quoted Seyyed Hamed Ameli as stating on Saturday.However, tourist
infrastructure in the region requires to be enhanced, the official added.Inaugurated in 2020, the curved glass-bottomed bridge was
apparently the first of its kind worldwide
Determining 220 meters in length, the bridges all-glass parts and metal cable televisions have been constructed by domestic engineers using
high-quality materials.Back in 2020, a regional tourism authorities announced that Ardabil can be called the province of suspension bridges,
indicating the Meshginshahr suspension bridge and Hir curved glass suspension bridge in addition to the Azna suspension bridge.Ardabil is
house to a variety of scary glass bridges
Additionally, it welcomes the UNESCO-registered Sheikh Safi al-Din Khanegah and the Shrine Ensemble.Sprawling on a high, windswept plateau,
Ardabil is widely known for having lush natural charms, congenial people, and its silk and carpet trade tradition.Ardabil is really cold in
winter season and moderate in summertime, drawing in thousands every year
The capital city of Ardabil is usually taped as one of the coldest cities in the country in winter.ABU/ AM