[Iran] - Iranian-Saudi thaw avoids Israel abuse of regional nations: MP

TEHRAN-- Iranian legislator Jalil Rahimi Jahan Abadi has said that an enhancement in Iran-Saudi Arabia relations will prevent Israel from
abusing the nations in West Asia
Discussing the restored efforts to resume Tehran-Riyadh talks in Baghdad, Rahimi Jahan Abadi said, The relations in between Tehran and
Riyadh have actually had numerous ups and downs and numerous efforts have actually been made to improve it, and the holding of five rounds
of talks and negotiations remained in this direction
Based on this, it can be acknowledged that due to the sixth round being held in the future, there is wish for a repair of relations and
resuming of embassies, the legislator stated in an interview with the Iranian parliamentary news company ICANA
The lawmaker continued, Iran and Saudi Arabia are considered crucial countries in the Islamic world and the Middle East, so the improvement
of relations between the 2 nations will get rid of the abuse of the Zionist routine
This infamous routine is the cause of tension and challenge among Islamic nations
He specified, Also, an improvement of relations in between the two countries can help with joint cooperation in between Iran and the Arab
nations of the Persian Gulf
Rahimi Jahan Abadi, a member of the parliaments National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, highlighted the need for Iran to proactively
handle the disagreements in foreign relations
Iran has actually constantly attempted to manage disagreements, misunderstandings and even differences of interests
Undoubtedly, there are distinctions of interests in between all federal governments and nations, however it is essential that the officials
of those countries and individuals who operate in the field of foreign policy attempt to handle these issues
Luckily, in the 13th government, enhancing relations with next-door neighbors and de-escalation is among the favorable and positive policies
in the field of foreign policy, the outcomes of which are ending up being clear
He noted, We hope that the Saudi side will likewise have a wise and practical view of the hostile issues and the concerns in between the 2
countries which it is essential for them to restore relations so that we can see positive lead to the upcoming meeting
The Foreign Minister of Iraq, Fouad Hussein, has recently said that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has actually gotten in touch with
senior Iraqi authorities to organize a face-to-face conference in between Tehrans and Riyadhs foreign ministers as part of a diplomatic
effort between the 2 next-door neighbors to restore wintry relations
Mohammed bin Salman has asked that leading Iraqi authorities to set up the conference in between Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin
Farhan Al Saud and his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian in the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad, Foreign Minister Hussein said
last week.The Saudi and Iranian delegations have actually currently had five rounds of security-level talks in Baghdad, the Iraqi foreign
minister underlined.According to Hussein, the personal discussions will be made public through Iraqs intermediary role, and the public
conference between the Saudi and Iranian foreign ministers will occur