LTTE leader Prabhakaran is alive, claims Tamil leader

THANJAVUR: LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran is alive and will be back quickly, 89-year-old Tamil nationalist leader Pazha Nedumaran
claimed here on Monday.His claim was dismissed even by other Tamil nationalist leaders
Nedumaran declined to comment when asked about the videos showing Prabhakarans bullet-riddled body that were released by the Sri Lankan
federal government on May 18, 2009
The then Mahinda Rajapaksa federal government had actually stated DNA tests had verified the body was that of Prabhakaran.On May 24, 2009,
the LTTE had also validated that Prabhakaran was dead
On evidence for his claim, Nedumaran stated he was in touch with Prabhakarans relative
I reveal this with their consent, he said
When inquired about Prabhakarans spouse and daughter, he stated, All are well