[Iran] - Eight nations to attend Iran start-up event

TEHRAN-- The 5th Technology Investment Meeting (TIM 2023) will be held in Tehran Pardis Technology Park on February 26-27, with participants
from the D-8 , the group of eight Islamic developing countries.D-8 includes significant Muslim developing countries specifically,
Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey.TIM 2023 is an international event with the goal of bring in
capital to speed up knowledge-based companies and start-ups, and likewise bring in investors from D-8 member states.Some 105 knowledge-based
companies, start-ups, and innovation centers from Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kenya, in addition to 52 financiers and
business delegations from Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Syria, Afghanistan, Kenya, and Guinea, have revealed readiness to
participate in TIM 2023
University professors, financiers, development centers, accelerators, trainees, and those interested in technology and development have
actually used to go to the event.Delegations from Mongolia, China, Ukraine, and Canada will also go to the event online.Information
innovation and software, medication and medical devices, engineering and innovative products, mining and energy, and imaginative industries
are some of the locations where startups provide their ideas.During the two-day occasion, 24 leading start-ups are going to provide their
concepts to international investors
These start-ups operate in the fields of ITC, materials, health, and innovative industries.The individuals are likewise set up to hold
customized panels, one of which relates to the unveiling of the joint innovation financial investment fund.The fund was introduced at the
idea of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as Turkey and Malaysia have currently consented to introduce such a fund.Iran is planning to launch
the fund based on the concerns of D-8 countries to buy technological projects in a specialized way.At this event, a panel titled rewards and
financial investment chances of countries will be presented
Turkish Technology Council, Bangladesh Ministry of Science and Technology, and Indonesias National Research and Innovation Agency are
likewise scheduled to attend.So far, 11 investment contracts worth $10.6 million have actually been checked in the fields of medical
equipment, mining, transportation, ICT, and energy.Also, based upon the projections, Iran prepares to sign contracts worth $15 million in
technological fields, of which $3.6 million belong to tasks in the field of pro-robotics and medical devices in between Iran and
Indonesia.Moreover, strategies will be unveiled in the fields of expert system, engineering services, equipment, and machinery.This event is
a great chance for financial stars in different fields of technology to develop their share of international markets by providing their
items, services, and capabilities.In the last edition of the event (TIM 2022), over 100 foreign financiers and 28 domestic investors existed
and showcased the services and products of 61 start-ups and investing companies.The result of this valuable event was concluding 11
cooperation contracts worth $10 million, which is expected to grow this year significantly.This event includes various programs, such as the
presentation of innovation business with the aim of attracting capital, specialized panels, signing MOUs, concluding joint investment
contracts, and going to the countrys innovation and innovation ecosystem.Over 7,000 knowledge-based and 1,600 innovative business have so
far been registered and begun operations in the country.The fields of biotechnology, agriculture, food industries, chemical technologies
airplane maintenance, steel, gas, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and medication, oil, electronics and telecommunications, information
technology, and computer system software application are amongst the sectors in which researchers in innovation companies are working.MG