'Pak sent repackaged Turkish flood aid as earthquake relief'

NEW DELHI: Pakistan is facing a major international embarrassment over relief material it had sent to Turkey after the recent
earthquake.According to a report, the materials dispatched by Pakistan are the very same that it had received from Turkey following last
year's devastating floods
The revelation comes just days after Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif's visit to Turkey and assurances of all help.Senior Pakistani journalist
Shahid Masood made the shocking revelation on a 'live' TV discussion on a Pakistani channel."The materials reached Turkey from Sindh
They even carried the tags 'Govt of Sindh' and 'Govt of Pakistan.' On being opened, it emerged that they were the same packets that Turkey
had sent as a token of love after the floods
The same had been repackaged and sent as relief," Masood is heard saying.The revelation stuns the woman anchor in conversation with Masood
into disbelief, and puts her at a loss for words
She breaks the silence several seconds later, saying "This is so shameful."Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif arrived in Ankara on
Thursday, and assured Turkish President Erdogan of "steadfast support." He was initially scheduled to reach Turkey on February 8, but asked
to defer the visit in wake of Turkish leaders' engagements in relief and rescue work.Muslim-majority Pakistan and Turkey enjoy cordial
Both are members of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and often seen backing each other on several international issues.