Bolivia presents proposal to declassify coca from drug status to ambassadors in Vienna

ambassadors of various nations at the United Nations (UN) in Vienna, as reported by the Secretary General of the Vice Presidency, Juan
particularly in the case of the coca leaf.Coca leafes consumption in Bolivia
in this Committee on Drug Dependence
1 of narcotic drugs, restricting its free sale outside the countries where it is grown.Bolivia is presently championing an international
movement to remove the coca leaf from the narcotics category, allowing for its export and industrialization.Ambassadors from Colombia,
process, per information released by the Bolivian Vice-Presidency.According to United Nations monitoring data, Bolivia is the third-largest
Bolivia for traditional uses such as chewing by workers and peasants, in herbal teas, and in traditional medicine.However, coca diverted to
the illegal market is often used in the production of cocaine base paste.News Bolivia, English news Bolivia, coca leafs Bolivia, coca