[India] - Centralise all medical admissions across India, moots NMC

government, private and deemed
The single-step counselling process is intended to save students the anxiety of the long-drawn admission process through which more than 1
It added that the government would appoint a designated authority for common counselling and decide its method for all undergraduate seats.A
top official from NMC said the proposal will be deliberated upon by the Centre and the states, and can be implemented only when they agree
on the modalities to be adopted.The purpose behind introducing a centralised system for counselling is to bring uniformity to the process,
he told TOI
the end, the official explained
A centralised counselling matrix may help solve this problem.Parents and counsellors said it would promote merit and transparency and weed
out agents and deal-makers who auction medical seats
It will be steeper for subsequent non-compliance, including barring all admission.The reaction from state governments is mixed
its process with the Centre
It will be finalised only after receiving inputs from all stakeholders..
move but said there could be logistical difficulties