World must ensure tragedies such as Sardasht are not repeated: OPCW

Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) issued a statement insisting that the international community must provide assurances that tragedies
people were killed and thousands more were exposed to mustard gas agents whose agonies are still continuing.Following is the text of OPCW
those who survived, many were left permanently scarred and traumatised
For some, the physical and mental agony continues to this day.This event horrified the international community, accelerating its efforts to
prohibition against an entire category of weapons of mass destruction.The Convention is also a commitment to the victims of chemical warfare
because through the Convention the international community remains resolute in its efforts to ensure that such suffering does not recur.In
this respect, over the past quarter century we have achieved great progress towards this goal.Ninety-nine percent of declared chemical
weapons stockpiles have been eliminated under the strict and effective verification of the OPCW.193 countries have joined the Convention,
multiple countries around the world reminds us that this threat persists.