What is on the political agenda of Latin America in the further course of 2023

Presidential elections are set to take place in Ecuador, Guatemala, and Argentina, highlighting a busy political calendar in Latin America
during the second half of 2023.Various events have influenced the schedule in the first half of the year.President Guillermo Lasso dissolved
trial.The country will hold early general elections on August 20, where the new President, Vice-President, and members of the National
Assembly will be elected.Guatemala also witnessed presidential elections in June, resulting in a run-off election scheduled for August
13th.These elections serve as a national poll, with political parties presenting their candidates for the upcoming General Elections.The
results of the PASO could indicate a clear trend for the October elections.Looking ahead to October, Argentina will elect its new President
and Vice-President on the 22nd.Additionally, provincial and local authorities will be elected in most provinces
However, some provinces have opted not to hold elections concurrently with the national elections.If no candidate reaches the required
threshold, a second round of voting will occur in November.Colombia will conduct regional elections on October 29, including the election of
governors for all 32 departments, mayors for all municipalities, and various other positions at the regional and local levels.The Venezuelan
presidential elections.Argentina may hold a second round of general elections in November if no candidate secures a majority in
Political Constitution.Most Latin American governments will determine minimum wage adjustments for 2024 throughout November and December,
considering projected inflation and productivity.The intense electoral agenda in 2023 occurs against a backdrop of global economic
challenges, social unrest, and growing demands from citizens.Trust in traditional elites, politics, and institutions remains low, with high
levels of polarization and fragmentation observed across the region.