The activities of the Russian Wagner Group in Venezuela

facing protests for democracy at the time.Approximately 400 men arrived in Venezuela, some of whom had transited through Cuba.The activities
of the Russian Wagner Group in Venezuela
(Photo Internet reproduction)The Wagner Group also trained elite Venezuelan combat units and participated in training pro-Maduro militias
providing personal security for Russian commercial entities, including units of Rosneft, the Russian state oil giant.Mining is another area
of focus for the Wagner Group in Venezuela.The presence of thorium in the Orinoco Mining Arc has attracted Russian interest, with
involved in protecting Russian extraction points for thorium in Venezuela, as they have a history of direct involvement in the extraction of
involvement in Venezuela.They have stated that Wagner-affiliated mercenaries have supported the Maduro regime and have been implicated in
some, the Wagner mercenaries seem to have found a comfortable place under the protection of the Venezuelan regime.With information from
Gazeta do Povo