Guatemalan federal government requires regard for state sovereignty amidst electoral disagreement

The government of Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei has issued a call to the international community to respect the sovereignty of
states amidst an ongoing judicial dispute surrounding the recent elections held on June 25.In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
emphasized the importance of respecting the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the Judiciary, and the Constitutional Court, which serves as the
highest court in the country.The call comes after the Constitutional Court ruled that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal should temporarily
withhold the officialization of election results until voting records are reviewed.Alejandro Giammattei
(Photo Internet reproduction)This suspension has led to a period of uncertainty, including the delay in the renewal of the Judiciary and the
sectors in Guatemala, with criticism expressed by the European Union and the Organization of American States election observation
missions.The United States has also expressed deep concern over attempts by certain actors in Guatemala to interfere with the election
outcome.In its statement, the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs addressed the international community and invoked the principle of
non-intervention in internal affairs.In the first round of the presidential elections, Sandra Torres of the National Unity of Hope emerged
Vamos obtained a majority in Congress, while the second round of elections is scheduled for August 20, pending the officialization of the
results by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal.