[Iran] - Workshop on millennia-old footwear to be kept in Bandar Abbas

held in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas in Hormozgan province on Tuesday, the deputy provincial tourism chief has said.The main goal
of the workshop is to introduce and promote the art of making Giveh footwear, while also providing training for individuals interested in
developing this skill, Sanaz Ramji explained on Sunday.Giveh is an espadrille-like footwear that is very light and durable
It was more common in the past and was worn by farmers and villagers
This clothing has very unique features
For example, it is highly suitable for arid and mountainous climates, it is very light which decreases the sweating of the feet
It does not have a left foot or right foot, both of them are the same
These features have given the footwear international popularity and made it a unique product.The upper part of Giveh is usually made from
cotton yarn, while the sole is made of textile, leather, or plastic
Making the upper is completely done by women in their homes
But it is men that make the soles because it needs more strength
This part is usually done in workshops.In the past, Giveh did not have specific sizes, but they were made in three general sizes; small,
medium, and large
They are most commonly white