[Russia] - The FSB's Arrests of Russians Accused of Funding Ukraine's Army, Explained

Russian law enforcement and security services have regularly reported investigations, detentions and arrests of Russian citizens suspected
of financially supporting Ukraine's army since March
are prosecuted as treason and punishable by up to life in prison.Experts say the Federal Security Service (FSB) is likely publicizing these
detained at the Yekaterinburg airport on accusations of financing the Ukrainian army
of the Far Eastern Khabarovsk region was detained on suspicion of financing the Armed Forces of Ukraine
14, a Russian Railways (RZhD) train operator was arrested in the Far Eastern Amur region under suspicion of transferring money for the use
Petersburg, a political activist from Khabarovsk and a Moscow resident, accusing them all of financially supporting the Ukrainian Armed
funds to Ukraine's army
A denunciation against Russian pop icon Alla Pugacheva, who has spoken out against the war, asked authorities to inspect her finances for
the same reason
Russian social media influencers are increasingly likely to be checked for financial support of banned organizations, attorney Alexander
imprisonment.Human rights activists note that the number of criminal cases opened under the article on treason has increased dramatically
since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine
they are generally primarily about politics: not in order to imprison a specific person, but in order to effectively intimidate the
Russians donated money to support Ukraine at the start of the offensive in February 2022
The Prosecutor General's Office soon issued a public warning that such support could be regarded as treason
The FSB then started to target those who made transfers in the early days of the offensive, and Perviy Otdel has evidence of at least five
Russian offensive in Ukraine, repressions for anti-war statements and actions have been fairly systematic
The recent string of treason cases is similar to the early days of the offensive, when the authorities went out of their way to publicize
come up to
No one should be speaking out against the war, no one should be showing support for Ukraine, and people should stay away from any kind of