[Russia] - BRICS Summit To Be 'Physical' Despite Putin Warrant —-- South Africa

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Sunday that next month's BRICS summit, which Vladimir Putin has been invited to, will be held
in-person despite an arrest warrant on the Russian leader."The BRICS summit is going ahead and we are finalizing our discussions on the
format," Ramaphosa told journalists on the sidelines of a conference by the ruling ANC, adding it will be a "physical" meeting.He did not
would attend or not."We are going to have a physical BRICS summit, all of us are committed to having a summit where we will be able to
eyeball each other," he said in response to a question."We have not held a physical summit for...almost three years
It's not going to be virtual," he stressed.As a member of the ICC, South Africa would be expected to arrest Putin if he sets foot in the
country.There had been rumours in the local media that Pretoria was considering moving the talks to China to avoid being put in the position
of having to arrest Putin.The arrest warrant is a problem for Pretoria, which has been close to the Kremlin since the anti-apartheid