[Nepal] - Bajura household of 7 left in limbo as sole breadwinner lies bedridden

BAJURA, JULY 20A family of seven is left in distress after their sole breadwinner
falls seriously ill in Gaumul Rural Municipality-4 of Bajura
Jagat Budha (37), the family's pillar of support, has been bedridden for the last four months due to tuberculosis and other infections,
leaving his wife and five children in dire straits.
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The family's troubles began when Jagat's health started deteriorating
He sought treatment at Bajura District Hospital and Bayelpata Hospital, but his condition worsened, leading to referrals to hospitals in
Nepalgunj and Kathmandu
However, due to financial constraints, he had no choice but to return home without receiving further medical care.Sita Thapa, Deputy Ward
Chair of Gaumul Rural Municipality, shared their plight, stating that while some support has been provided by the local level, the family
requires more assistance for their well beings as well as Jagat's treatment. Jagat's wife, Hira Budha, also faces her own
struggles as she is disabled
With Jagat's illness and inability to work, the family is finding it increasingly difficult to put food on the table and pay for their
children's education and medical expenses
The couple has three daughters - Babita (16), Kabita (14), and Surma (8) - and two sons, Nabindra (12) and Bishnu (10)
The children's education is suffering due to the family's financial constraints, Hira lamented, as they lack the necessary school supplies
and proper clothing.Though Jagat is still taking medicines for his illnesses, his health continues to deteriorate due to a lack of access to
nutritious food.
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://thehimalayantimes.com