[Iran] - Arbaeen walk; action by step to heaven

towards the burial site of Imam Hussein (AS) seem to not care that they are baking in searing heat
People back home call me and ask me if I have lost my mind
They wonder how I would manage to walk tens of Kilometers in 50-degree heat
I tell them this is what happens when you are in love
You do stop caring about anything that comes between you and your beloved and only start caring about the destination, rather than the
He and his family have traveled 1620 kilometers by car to reach the Iran-Iraq border
They will leave their car at the border and travel the rest of the journey on foot
grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Imam Hussein has turned into one of the most significant and venerated figures in Islam, especially among Shia Muslims
He was brutally martyred in a battle known as the Battle of Karbala(680 CE), after he refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid, the impious,
immoral and tyrannical ruler of the time
Now more than 13 centuries after the battle, people from different parts of the world flock to Karbala, often on foot, to commemorate the
martyrdom of this influential figure on the day of Arbaeen
They believe by trying to keep his legacy and memory alive, they can help themselves lead a better life
But you can find others who do not even identify as Muslims
Throughout the years, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and even atheists have decided to take part in the Arbaeen March
For them, Imam Hussein does not just belong to Muslims
Imam Hussein is the symbol of fight against injustice and tyranny
Tehran.As you stand at the Iran-Iraq border, a remarkable sight unfolds before your eyes
You see thousands of individuals like Mohammad and Rebecca, who have embarked on a journey towards Karbala
Arbaeen is a pilgrimage that transcends religious boundaries, as people from different backgrounds and professions have set aside their
As you mingle with the crowd you cannot help but notice the familiarity and friendliness that fills the air
It is as if every person here shares an unspoken connection, a bond forged by a shared purpose
Strangers become friends and friends become family as they come together for one noble cause- to keep the legacy of Imam Hussein alive
They believe that by keeping his memory alive, they are rooting for the same values he fought for; they are upholding justice and
People, mostly locals, offer food, water, and shelter along the way to make the journey easier for the pilgrims
Many of the hosts are low-income individuals who save up the entire year to be able to help travelers during this particular period
phenomenon that like others, has not been safe from becoming a target of propaganda
Anti-Iran and anti-Islam activists have been pouring all their efforts into tarnishing the image of Arbaeen
marchers of doing this for the government need to take a look at the history of Arbaeen
Arbaeen is not something Iranians invented overnight
It became an important part of Shia Islam the same year Imam Hussein was martyred
40 days after the Battle of Karbala Imam Sajjad (AS) and Hazrat Zeinab (AS) visited the burial site of the esteemed Imam
Rajabi Davani believes Arbaeen has become so popular and outreaching because it can be seen as a spiritual act as well
Again these people are mistaken
Hajj is a procession only Muslims can take part in and due to the policies of the Saudi Arabian government, its spiritual aspects are
largely sidestepped
Saudi authorities like to portray the Hajj as simply a duty of Muslims and want nothing else to be attributed to it
The fact that Arbaeen has turned into a spiritual journey rather than a religious duty is because Iraqi authorities have not tried to limit
Rajabi, the Arabeen pilgrimage is not just a religious event; it is a testament to the enduring power of faith and unbreakable bonds of