[Brazil] - House Okays Change to Keep Dual Citizens Brazilian

On Tuesday, the House approved a new amendment that lets Brazilians keep their citizenship if they get another.The Senate passed this bill
in 2021
give it up after gaining a different one
The second is if a court finds you guilty of fraud or harming the country.Representative Bia Kicis says the change will help around 4
million people
Kicis says the update fixes old rules.Now, Brazilians who move abroad can also be citizens of another country
(Photo Internet reproduction)Current laws are strict
You lose Brazilian citizenship if you get another
Courts can also cancel it if you harm the nation.Some exceptions are there, like if the new country recognizes your original
citizenship.BackgroundThis move marks a shift in Brazilian policy
Before, the law leaned toward national exclusivity
Now, it embraces a more global outlook.Dual citizenship is common in other nations
For instance, the U.S
and many EU countries allow it.In Brazil, the old rule seemed outdated
Many Brazilians live abroad for work or study
These people faced a tough choice.They had to pick between countries
The new amendment offers more freedom.The change also mirrors global trends
Worldwide, borders are becoming less important
People identify with multiple cultures.Governments recognize this
The amendment keeps Brazil in step with this shift.Dual citizenship has its critics too
They worry about divided loyalties
Yet, the new rule has limits
It sets clear conditions for losing Brazilian nationality.This aims to keep citizens accountable to Brazil, even if they live elsewhere.