Cops recuperate smart phone purportedly utilized by constable included with Harak KataA cellphone thought to have actually been utilized by the authorities constable who aided well-known underworld figure Harak Kata's recent escape quote at the Crimina

the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has reportedly been recovered by the Police.According to police, the mobile phone was found in a
garbage dump in the Kadawatha area, and is reportedly owned by a suspect currently being held in CID custody.Police suspect that the police
constable in question had made various calls using this newly found piece of evidence, after having gone to Kadawatha with the suspected
with poison, with the help of the Police Constable in question, during his questioning.He had subsequently requested to go to the washroom,
custody.Amidst the altercation, the constable in question had reportedly fled the CID premises and remains in hiding to date.On 18
September, the mother and brother-in-law of the police constable were arrested
The police also obtained a 90-day detention to interrogate them.