[Brazil] - Brazil's Constitution at 35: Legacy of Public Participation and Rights

dictatorship that spanned from 1964 to 1985.Though amended 143 times, the Constitution remains influential
1934.The Constitution expanded civil liberties and individual rights
Constitution at 35: Legacy of Public Participation and Rights
(Photo Internet reproduction)Even more notably, they considered popular amendments supported by over 30,000 voter signatures.In total, 122
popular amendments gathered around 13 million signatures
Among these, 19 gained approval and became part of the Constitution.They led to significant legal mechanisms, like allowing the public to
They made forms available at post offices for citizens to offer suggestions to lawmakers.Over 72,000 messages poured in during the
censorship and increased judicial autonomy.Engineer and businesswoman Ivonice Aires Campos Dias also voiced her thoughts
Constitution.While amended and sometimes criticized, it remains a living document
Most importantly, it stands as a symbol of democratic values and public participation.Backgroundparticipation is gaining prominence
participatory approaches in drafting their constitutions.Yet, not all have been as successful in incorporating public suggestions directly
into the document itself.Public participation remains a challenge in many nations
For instance, constitutional changes have occurred in Hungary and Poland with limited public engagement.This has raised concerns about the