[Sri Lanka] - President Ranil motivates graduates to stay and advance Sri Lanka s future

Despite economic challenges and global competition, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, addressing the General Convocation of Sir John
competitiveness and highlighted the significance of a highly educated and skilled labour force
additional universities focused on cutting-edge technology, especially modern technology and knowledge such as Artificial Intelligence
(AI).To build upon this foundation, the approach to education and skills development should be comprehensive, encompassing vocational
training, technical education, and the strengthening of technical colleges
The aspiration for the National College of Technology, aligning with the Kotelawala Defence University model, signifies a strategic step
toward achieving educational goals, the PMD mentioned.Highlighting the need to harness human resources and convert vocational training
centres into university colleges, the President envisioned a Sri Lanka with skilled citizens, open to the world for a competitive economy
through the integration of Artificial Intelligence and modern technology
thinking, and a commitment to overcome challenges existed but also opportunities for those committed to building a competitive economic
transformation and prosperous Sri Lanka.As the graduates embark on their futures, President Wickremesinghe further emphasized the critical
decisions they now face
With some entering the Armed Forces as recruiting officers and others representing civilian sectors, the choice between staying or leaving
the country in pursuit of opportunities becomes paramount.Highlighting the current economic challenges, the President encouraged graduates
He urged them to envision a better Sri Lanka and contribute to its growth, leaving the final decision in the hands of the
graduates.President Ranil Wickremesinghe addressing the recent graduates at the General Convocation of Sir John Kotelawala Defence
unexpected growth and success
He commended the graduates who have played significant roles, especially during the war, showcasing their courage and determination, it
added.He acknowledged the difficulties faced by the nation in recent years and the uncertain circumstances, prompting many to contemplate
their futures
The President affirmed that Sri Lanka is on the path to stability and economic recovery, although the journey may not be easy
The President addressed the need to balance revenue generation with inflation control, indicating that 2024 marked the year for restarting
Reflecting on the growth of the university, the President expressed awe at its transformation into an academic institution welcoming both
military personnel and civilians.The President also underlined the unpredictability of global events over the next few years, including
challenging, and similar sentiments are being expressed about the economies of Canada and Europe
However, the decision ultimately rests with you
making it a better place than it is today
In conclusion, I encourage you all to reflect on your choices carefully
for Defence Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, Senior Advisor to the President on National Security and Chief of Staff to the President Sagala
Ratnayaka, Secretary to the Ministry of Defence General Kamal Gunaratne (Rtrd) Chief of Staff of the Triforces General Shavendra Silva, Army
Commander Lt
Vikum Liyanage, Navy Commander Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, Air Force Commander Air Marshal Udeni Rajapaksa and other officials, according
to the PMD.