Rain damage rice crops in Chitwan

BHARATPUR, OCTOBER 8Recent rainfall, attributed to a delayed monsoon, has inflicted
damage on rice crops in Chitwan
According to Umaraj Aryal, an officer at the Agriculture Knowledge Centre in Chitwan, the rains during the harvest period have resulted in
damage to approximately two percent of the rice crops in the district.
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harvesting plan
EDITORIAL: Rising rice prices
In certain areas of eastern Chitwan and Bharatpur, where farmers had already
cut the rice plants, the storage was delayed due to the rain
Rice harvest time is set to begin in most parts of Chitwan in about a week.This is the rice harvest time in eastern Chitwan, where
irrigation facilities are available, and rice transplantation is tentatively completed by the end of June
Sunil Dawadi of Sharanpur in Bharatpur metropolis-16 reported that the rice plants left to dry in the fields were submerged in rainwater
Dawadi, who was seen gathering the soaked rice plants from his field, was sad over the loss
As he said, he had hired workers from Rautahat for the rice transplantation and had invested Rs 25,000 as labor costs for the same.
Madhumaya Khanal from Sharanpur also shared how the rains had caused damage to the rice plants that were cut in course of the
harvest process
Farmers here are concerned about the impact of the rain on their rice plants, which were ready for harvest
Rice is cultivated on around 27,000 hectares of land in Chitwan.
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://thehimalayantimes.com