Automobile motion on Colombo-Badulla primary roadway restored

The Colombo-Badulla main road, which was blocked after a mound of earth had collapsed onto the road, has now been cleared for vehicular
movement.Ada Derana correspondent mentioned that the road was cleared for traffic at around 01.00 a.m
early this morning (10).The vehicular movement on the Colombo-Badulla main road was disrupted in the Viharakele area between Haputale and
Beragala after a mound of earth along with a large tree had collapsed onto the road at around 08.00 p.m
last night (09).As a result, high-voltage power lines were also damaged and the road remained closed to traffic for around 04 hours,
according to the reporter.Subsequently, the Road Development Authority, Ceylon Electricity Board, and Haldumulla and Haputale police
stations took measures to clear the road for vehicular movement.This stretch of the road is very steep and it had been covered with fog over
the past few days, owing to the prevailing weather conditions, Ada Derana reporter said.Meanwhile, Haputale Police notified the drivers
moving through this area to be further vigilant of possible earth mound collapses.