Bullrich Backs Milei in Argentina's Runoff Election

the Juntos por el Cambio party and secured third place in the first round
Receiving 23.83% of votes, she left the race.Bullrich made her stance clear
election.Sergio Massa won the first round with 36.68% of votes
The final election takes place on November 19.The runoff has now become even more interesting
Both Milei and Massa have their unique strengths and weaknesses.Massa has government experience, while Milei represents change
competition.BackgroundJavier Milei, a presidential candidate in Argentina, recently expressed openness to including leftist politicians in
his cabinet.He mentioned this in an interview on Monday
Economy.Milei believes that some sectors could benefit from leftist expertise
He cited an example
Milei plans to create a new Ministry of Human Resources.This ministry would merge different areas like health and education
He thinks leftists might manage such a ministry effectively.In an interview with El Observador radio, Milei elaborated on his point of view