[Russia] - The Soviets Conducted Dozens of 'Peaceful' Nuclear Explosions. Their Radioactive Contamination Lingers On.

still dead trees standing
Coniferous trees, the taiga, are of course particularly sensitive to beta-radioactive substances, which are abundantly present in the
horrifying situation with the radioactive products bursting out of the cavity of the nuclear explosion from several hundred meters
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the landmark 1996 agreement that established a global consensus against nuclear explosions for both
military and peaceful purposes, has raised fears about whether Moscow is seriously considering reviving its nuclear tests.Meanwhile, the
monitoring of sites where detonations did not go according to plan.The Soviet peaceful nuclear explosions program was carried out between
1965 and 1988, starting eight years after the United States launched similar tests
It pursued multiple objectives including canal construction, ore fragmentation and the creation of underground cavities for waste storage,
nuclear powerful explosive potential into the national economy, Ozharovsky said the Soviet Union and the U.S.'s turn toward potentially
what the consequences could be, considered nuclear to be something new and progressive, thus inherently good
release of radioactive substances
Kraton-3site this year and shared with The Moscow Times showed increased radiation dose rates up to 0.5-1.4 microsievert per hour at some
He also detected Cesium-137, a nuclear fission byproduct well known from the Chernobyl disaster.The 1974 Crystalunderground nuclear
explosion detonated just 2 kilometers north of the village of Udachny in Sakha
The blast, which was carried out to create a disposal facility for the diamond mining industry, spewed a radioactive cloud over several
giant Alrosa in 2006
Dangerous substances were sealed beneath a protective gravel sarcophagus approximately the height of a three-story building
While this solution might work for some time, it is not permanent.The legacy of both Kraton-3 and Crystal worries locals to this day
more long-standing environmental problems as well, including pollution of rivers by extracting companies; Soviet-era radioactive
navigational generators that authorities only cleaned up in 2013; stage drops of space rockets containing highly toxic heptyl; and even
claims of the ozone layer thinning.The authorities do not provide residents with sufficient information on these issues and their potential
impact on human health
in October on the consequences of nuclear detonations in the region, Kondakova said its followers started sharing stories of young people
in-depth research, the authors concluded.Although the reasons for tumor incidence in the region are yet to be established, the news that
Because eventually, who will suffer? The sparsely populated regions
Crystal sites reduced their potential radioactive danger, but cannot provide a permanent solution
This is because of the lack of genuine engineering barriers that can contain radioactive substances for hundreds of years during which they
crushed stone or other cleaner soil
these measurements? Why could I, a visiting ecologist from the Moscow region, find areas of radioactive contamination, and the local
nuclear frenzy resulted in places elsewhere in Russia that could still be a source of radioactive contamination
Among these are burial grounds of nuclear waste left after failed detonations in the Perm region and the site of the Dneprnuclear explosions
in the Khibiny Mountains in the Murmansk region, which resulted in tritium-contaminated groundwater flowing into bodies still used for
that anyone will ever take responsibility for the consequences of the reckless detonations of the Soviet Union."You can't find anyone to
address [complaints] to
To the Kremlin? But the Kremlin will say it was a completely different country, the U.S.S.R