[Sri Lanka] - COPE chairman s child participating in SLC meeting will be penetrated Speaker

An investigation is due to be carried out into the participation of COPE chairman Prof
officials.Accordingly, Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena had stated in Parliament this morning (16 Nov.), that an investigation will be
Sajith Premadasa, who claimed that the Prof
be looked into or that it will be discussed later
Tell me, what right does the son of the COPE chairman have to sit at a COPE meeting, when not even the Leader of the Opposition is allowed
to do so
It is a right that not even I possess
for Prof
Bandara to be temporarily suspended as the COPE Chairman, until its meetings with SLC have concluded, due to a conflict of interest.The
Opposition Leader presented several documents in Parliament, evidencing the fact that Prof
providing its services to the SLC.He further questioned whether Prof
continued to act as the COPE Chairman despite this possible conflict of interest.