Gaza's Dire Food Crisis: Only 10% of Needed Supplies Delivered

ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.The WFP, a humanitarian agency, announced the critical food shortage in the area on Thursday,
November 16, 2023.According to the agency, Gaza is experiencing widespread hunger
People urgently need food aid.Out of 1,129 trucks that entered Gaza since the Rafah-Egypt border opening, only 447 carried food.The WFP
states the volume of food is alarmingly insufficient
Only 25% of WFP-contracted stores remain open, with many running out of essential food items.Local markets have entirely shut down
The few available food items are being sold at extremely high prices.Due to limited cooking facilities, many residents must survive one meal
She asserts that one operational border crossing cannot meet the current hunger needs.With winter approaching and the lack of safe shelters
and clean water, civilians face an immediate risk of starvation.BackgroundThe current situation in Gaza is part of a longstanding
humanitarian crisis
Political conflicts and blockades exacerbate this crisis.Historically, Gaza has faced challenges in food security due to restricted access
conflict zones globally have faced similar challenges
However, the situation in Gaza is unique due to its geographical and political constraints.International humanitarian efforts often struggle
to address such crises adequately