Four FR petitions filed over deferral of LG polls fixed for hearing

Four fundamental rights (FR) petitions filed against the repeated postponement of Local Government (LG) elections were fixed for hearing by
the Supreme Court today (Nov.21).As such, the petitions will be heard on 09 March 2024.The petitions were supposed to be called before a
five-member Supreme Court consisting of Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya and Justices Priyantha Jayawardena, Vijith Malalgoda, Gamini
Amarasekara and Murdu Fernando
(PAFFREL) had put forward the petitions seeking a court order determining that the fundamental human rights of the people were violated by
the failure to hold the 2023 LG election on March 09, 2023, as previously scheduled.Appearing on behalf of SJB general secretary,